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Phone: +1 573-378-7954

Address: 106 S. Hunter St. 65084 Versailles, MO, US

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New Revival Center 07.07.2021

Recently, while ministering in jail a man asked if an athiest could improve themselves. The answer of course, is yes they can with motivation and a will to change. However, the real question was a comparison of an athiest to a christian being able to make profound life changes or improvements. I explained, that a true christian has the Holy Spirit residing within them. Subsequently, the Holy Spirit is a power greater than a mans will to bring about change. Its Gods grace... to us. Romans 5:17 says He gives us an abundance of grace and the gift of righteousness. So how about all of us? Are we still depending on our own motivation and will. One other thing, I f the athiest is right and the Christian wrong when the end comes, nothing is really lost, but if the opposite is true, then the unsaved and athiest have an appointment with hell and christians with Jesus. Pastor Joe NRC See more

New Revival Center 05.07.2021

Luke 15:17 begins by saying, and when he came to himself. There are alot of people that have never reached this point in their lives. Like this story of the prodical son, many have sought their own answers, their own fulfilment and happiness only to realize that it was just a sham. Many years ago, I was ministering in jail and was teaching on this very scripture when a young man by the name of Roy spoke up and told about his time of coming to himself. One day he got so si...ck of his life, he explained, I just threw my drugs on the dash of my car and cried out to God either kill me or put me in jail. By that night he was incarcerated. Somewhere in there Roy surrendered His life to God. He was in county for a year and lived as an outstanding christian, though not without problems and trials. There is probably someone reading this post whose life has lost real meaning and purpose. Like the prodicals son there is a drought in your life and its seems to have just become devoid of all real meaning. Now let me tell you there is real hope in Jesus. He is alive and is the only one who can change your life and make it whole. Be like the prodical son and come to yourself, and like Roy who cried out with all of his heart. Jesus said all that comes to me I will not cast out. Pastor Joe NRC See more

New Revival Center 23.06.2021

E. T. CAll HOME! What an amazing time we are living in. I dont believe there has been anything like it in the past. Did you know that the US Senate has ordered a report on UFOs. It is now documented by the Military via fighter pilot crews, radar and infra red with sighting after sighting. One member related that pilots saw these anomalies daily for several years off the east coast in or near a restricted training area. 60 minutes interviewed Navy pilots who were sc...rambled to intercept and who saw them, but couldnt touch them because they just dissapeared. Past reports of airline crews and of at least one of our astranaunts are now to be taken seriously. Do you remember reports of people claiming to be abducted by creatures from these ships and that they could communicate with them using telepathic means. So what can decend 80 thousand feet in less that a second, accelerate to 13,000 miles per hour at the drop of a hat, defy the laws of physics, substain 700-800 Gs, travel, through air, space and possibly water. Inquiring minds want to know! I think I might have a possible insight on this. I have been privy to some ancient writings, albeit what I viewed was a more modern reproduction of these unusual messages. One place inpaticular described a complete one- third of a population of extra terrestials and their leader who were displaced from their past location, that might possibly be decribed as a 3rd heaven. In fact, that very same exterestial being was also described as the prince of the power of the air. It kind of leads one to consider, if these beings could somehow be hanging out in the vicinity of earth, since this is the only know planet that has an air atmosphere. I have one other theory regarding these sighting phenomenon and that is the possibility of their using another demension outside of those currently recogonized by science. It could explain how they might operate out side of the laws of physics and come in and out of our ability to see them. If you would like to pursue this further I will share with you my source of ancient documents. Its called the BIBLE! Let me warn you that I belive this whole UFO thing may lead into one of the greatest delusions to man kind as the leader of the extra terrestials (Devil) uses this to explain end time events, ie the rapture and other unusual and unexplainable happenings that may soon be unleashed on this earth. Pastor Joe NRC See more

New Revival Center 21.06.2021

Is it right for a Christian to judge others? Often quoted is Math 7, which says judge not that ye be not judged. Dont be confused, it is crucial that we make correct judgements of things that are false. People often espouse unbelief, their own ideas, thoughts influenced by the enemy, all kinds of unscriptual notions, as well as the enemy planting lies in the church. Social Media has created a greater potential to reach millions with untruth. 1st John 4 says believe not ...every spirit but try the spirits whether they are of God. Jesus warns us of the tares that grow up with the wheat. The deciples, especialy Paul warned the churches of sins, and false doctrines trying to invade. How much more important is it in these last days for us to be on guard. Now about Math 7, part of the sermon on the mount. A little further reading makes it clearer. In vs 3 Jesus told them not to behold the mote in your brothers eye when you have a log in your own. In other words dont be a hypocrite. Yes you should help your frind with a speck in his eye, but you need to have your life right before you do. Remember to walk in love. Pastor Joe NRC See more

New Revival Center 15.06.2021

Do you know how to really keep the Sabbath? Most dont even realize it is one of the 10 commandments. Many more think the Sabbath is every Sunday, when in fact the Sabbath is from Friday evening sundown to Sat evening sundown. The old testament clearly teaches that activity, work and movement is limited during that time period. A number of churches actually hold there worship services on Sat to comply with the old testament. So are those Christians who go to church on Sund...ay in trouble and worse yet, how about those who rarely go at all. Here is the answer to all that, and the proper way to keep the Sabbath. Jesus is the only one who ever kept the whole law perfectly. In Heb 4 Jesus became our Sabbath rest. Entering Him is to enter your Sabbath rest. Math 12:8. Jesus declared Himself " Lord of the Sabbath" and the Sabbath was made for man and not man made for the Sabbath. The only way to enter that Sabbath rest is in Heb 4:3 for we which believe have entered into rest. God completed the world in 6 days and Jesus completed everything that we need to rest at the cross when He said it in finished. Refer the Sabbath keepers to Colosians 2:16 the next time they condemn you. Vs. 16 Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of a Holy day, or of the new moon, or of the Sabbath days. Vs. 17 Which are a shadow of things to come: but the body is of Christ. You can just tell those religious zealots, they can keep their Sabbath on Sat, but you keep it 24/7 because you are in Christ and not the OT shadow. Pastor Joe NRC See more

New Revival Center 07.06.2021

This old world, she is a changin! If fact, more so than I have ever seen in my lifetime of 70 some years. Those in control are not just satisfied, in having there way, they are not content until they force evil on all others and especially Christians and Jews. The most evil part of this is, the fact they are taking control of all levels of our education system, reaching even into the elementary levels. After they ran God out of our schools, they are letting the Devil in. ... For some time the home has been pretty much decimated with divorce, broken families and ungodly definitions of marriage and sexual orientation. History is being rewritten with the 1619 agenda and critical race theory. Law and order is being done away with, so it doesnt inhibit the rights of some races. To be honest, I cant even believe all this has come in our nation. Now I notice one other really wierd fact. For the first time our nation is recognizing publicly that UFOs are real. Oh, they are really seeing things, no doubt in my mind (I believe this will play into the end times delusion). The whole world has changed considering all the above and more including the advent of Covid the first truly world wide pandemic. Could this really be the coming of the end times where mens hearts are going to fail for fear and evil abounds, leading up to the antichrist, rapture and tribulation? 2nd Thess 2:3 Let no man decieve you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there be a falling away first and that man of sin be revealed (Antichrist). The Antichist is going to show up with power and lying signs and wonders vs 9 and vs 10 they will be deceived in their unrighteousness and perish, because they didnt have the love of the truth and vs 11 God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie. Even, if we have not yet recognized the person of the Antichrist, the Antichrist spirit is exceedingly strong and getting stronger everyday. I say Christians wake up!! To those who have never received Christ its imperative that you do. With each passing day the lie will grow stronger and stronger. Pastor Joe NRC See more

New Revival Center 15.02.2021

If you would have told me a few years ago, that our nation could be in this place, I probably wouldnt have believed you. There is so much hatred and distain towards christians and the biblical point of view that it is mindblowing. Its really not a big step to understand how the anti christ could seize control of the world, including the US. The US maynot even be in existence in the future at the rate we are going. At least not as we have known it. The left is teaching a ...shifting of ideas, morality and culture, completely oppossed to the Bible. Those in power are not just satisfied to teach it, but are bent on making everyone accept it, as well. When we speak out against it, we are branded as deviants and hate mongrels. Notice how skillfully the devil has used the capital riot thing as a way of making all of the right, including christians look like the enemies of the state. Who could have seen this coming but God and conversely only God can change this. If He doesnt, then look for two things: either the rapture of the church and secondly christians are going to suffer for their faith. God Bless - Pastor Joe See more

New Revival Center 03.02.2021

I think there is a certain type of person that loves their sickness and/or disease, not even realizing what they are doing. What do I mean by that, you ask. I have noticed when praying for some people, that they seem to get a kind of power by holding on to their problem. People give them attention and sympathy and often financial benefits because of it and they become identified and comfortable with it. Maybe a few just like the challenge of overcoming, as strange as that... may sound. To be honest, I have very little success when praying for those kind of people. Faith, does not work well in those circumstances. Did you ever notice that Jesus did not heal everone in the land. The kind of people I am talking about are usually ones who have the long term ailments and have grown accustomed to them. For the most part, I dont think they really want to get rid of their problem because of the psychological, financial and emotional benefits that they derive from it. Now let me say this, if you really want to be healed, you need to hate that thing, like the devil it came from. Willing to lose all the psychological and financial benefits and whatever else you may derive from it.. The promises are still the same and faith works when its principles are met. Pastor Joe NRC See more

New Revival Center 17.01.2021

Please note that working for God does not depend on how you feel, but who you are. If you think you are just a sinner saved by grace, you need a kingdom mindset change. Jesus said the spirit of God is upon me because I have been annointed. Two different things! We activate the power of the Holy spirit because we have been annointed ( given authority) in the kingdom to do so. If you cant see yourself as a son or daughter of God, then you do not walk in faith for miracles. By the way, this doesnt mean we are perfect or dont make mistakes. Those are covered by the blood of Jesus. Even in our weakness, we can be powerful in miracles. So, how do you see yourself? Pastor Joe NRC

New Revival Center 28.12.2020

Did you know our God is an overflow God. He pours out His blessing to and on His children. Thats not just spiritual, but financial and other ways. Some might say, this is a poor time for this message, with covid and Joe Bidens economy killing policies. No, its the perfect time to remind christians that God loves to bless His people. Because God isnt limited to our natural situations and circumstances His blessings arent limited either. If you focus on lack, you move towa...rds it, but if you focus on blessing, praising God for His goodness, it begins to manifest in your world. The little lady with the issue of blood was instantly healed when she touched Jesus garment. Peter, received an overflow boatload of fish, when he let Jesus on his boat and the little boy with his little boys lunch fed 5000 plus people with 12 baskets left over. Even King David said in Psalms 23 that his cup overflowed. Many, many others have received overflow in their lives. So, dont stop His blessings in your life by complaining, worrying and doubt. But instead, begin to thank and praise Him for the blessings He wants to release in your life. Pastor Joe NRC. Feel free to share See more

New Revival Center 18.12.2020

Understanding the difference between law works and grace. I think many christians never stop to realize there is a difference, walking in a mixture of all three. Let me try to explain the difference. Most are famaliar with the Mosaic law, given to moses in hundreds of commands, of which the 10 commandments are the best known. A number of churches still attempt to keep different parts of these commands. For example, certain dietary requirements and the keeping of the sab...bath. In fact, they bear down on keeping the laws to please God and establish their righteousness. John tells us Moses gave us the law, but Jesus brought us grace and truth. So are we still under the law and what about the 10 commandments. We know the law was actually a good thing, but not one person could keep it except Jesus. The new testament does reinstate 9 of the 10 commandments. The one not reinstated was the keeping of the Sabbath. Jesus is our Sabbath. In fact, since he kept the whole law and we are in him, then positionaly we are keeping the law. Law and works function together. In reality, we are not saved, by doing either, neither are we kept by either. Heres where grace comes in. Jesus brought us grace. Grace not only is receiving what we dont deserve, but it is the power over sin ( Rom 6:14 ). Those trying to establish their righteousness by works keeping the law are doomed to failure and condemnation. Rom 3:28 tells us we are justified by faith and not the deeds of the law. When you see Jesus as the source of righteousness, then grace becomes more powerful in your life and you begin to walk over the power of sin. One more thing, for those convinced they are restricted on diet, read 1 Tim 4:4-5, Acts 10:10-15, Gal 5:4 also for food and keeping religious days read Gal 2:16-17. Pastor Joe NRC See more