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Locality: Richmond Heights, Missouri

Phone: +1 314-623-1311

Address: 645 Hanley Industrial Court 63117 Richmond Heights, MO, US

Website: www.flexologyfitness.com

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Flexology, Strength & Fitness Club 01.05.2021

The way you should exercise

Flexology, Strength & Fitness Club 12.04.2021

Happy birthday to me. Yummy avocado mousse

Flexology, Strength & Fitness Club 07.04.2021

Had to share Flexology’s first Christmas card from a client. What a cute pup and nice note. I love your class!

Flexology, Strength & Fitness Club 22.03.2021

What Did your breakfast look Like?

Flexology, Strength & Fitness Club 17.12.2020

It’s no surprise that each year that goes by has more people on earth struggling with their weight. And it’s certainly not for a lack of information out there. With each year comes more info, books, diets, workout programs, gurus, and more.... The pill that sets your metabolism on fire. The shake that is every nutrient you need in a day. The workout that melts fat. So, if there’s more information and help available than ever before, why do people increasingly struggle with their weight? I’ll tell you It’s because they want it to be easy, and when it’s not they quit. Or when life happens (which it always will) they fall off track. People are so focused on reaching the end result of that perfect healthy body that they’re disappointed when it doesn’t happen in a few weeks. That’s why gyms (pre-covid) are so busy for part of January than already die off in February. Of course, we want it to be easy! And of course, there are no magic bullets. You simply don’t get around putting in the work. So, if you want the REAL magic bullet, it’s this Fall in love with the process, and commit to seeing it through no matter what. That’s the only way to get where you want to go and stay there long-term. I know it’s not a sexy answer, but it’s the truth. Because all of those fake magic bullets don’t get you results anyway. If you’ve ever experienced this, you know it’s a lot easier NOT going things alone, which is why I want to tell you about a new FREE virtual training I'm doing on October 15th, 2020 at 6:30pm. This is where I go LIVE to tell you exactly how I get my weight loss clients to not only lose a tremendous amount of weight in just 90 days, but how they also (and most importantly) heal themselves from the inside out with the best nutrition and exercise process! I take you through it all, in detail, my 5 step process that I personally used to get my weight under control, stop food addictions and heal myself from cancer. It's a beautiful thing...everyone's journey is slightly different, but the process doesn't change. Trust the process! Let me know if I can help and I hope to see you in this training. Just click the link in the comments to register. If you can't be there, no problem, I'll send you the recording, but you have to register.

Flexology, Strength & Fitness Club 07.12.2020

If you’d like all the inside help that I give out for free, then head on over to my private facebook page. The link is in the comments. What you’ll find there: live cooking lessons ... solid nutrition advice that will actually add years to your life exercise demonstrations and advice weight loss tips that work and make you feel great. mindset tools that will create sustainable change personal insight into my life and how I overcame stage III cancer tips on how to get your family healthy A safe and credible place to ask questions about your health and fitness. I look forward to seeing you in my personal community.

Flexology, Strength & Fitness Club 10.11.2020

I’ll never love my body again Those were the words she uttered behind a quivering voice after sharing a story full of struggle, self-loathing, frustration, and disappointment My client had put on weight and had been in denial about it for a while.... Unwilling to accept the reality and unwilling to commit to changing behaviors. Months went by then it turned into a few years. She couldn’t explain how she ended up speaking with me that day. Where had time gone? How had they gotten so out of control? How had they not seen it coming more clearly? And most frustratingly, why hadn’t she taken action sooner!? Have you ever been there? This is the experience the majority of my clients have when we first speak, before they’ve taken their first step. We are motivated by PAIN to change, and it’s in the moment that remaining the same feels more painful than changing that we’re actually able to commit. Sitting in shame that day, she finally committed to making the change. She couldn’t imagine another week or another month feeling this way. So, she said yes to me and to herself. We worked on food, fitness, and mindset. She had the support and accountability necessary to follow through. The results weren’t just physical getting back into old clothes, etc. They were so much bigger than that A newfound confidence. Proud of what they’d accomplished. A closer connection to their spouse. A better social life. Feeling like her formerly vibrant self. Loving her body again just like she never believed was possible. This is what happens when you commit to getting healthier. It’s not just about the torture of giving up the things you love. It’s about everything that you’ll gain. If you relate, let’s talk. Comment below to let me know, and we’ll schedule some time to connect and see what might be possible for you. Stef P.S. Ladies, if you’re ready to focus on you, then consider checking out my Woman’s Weekend Retreat coming up July 31, 2020. Location is in the beautiful Ozarks, MO right on the lake. There are currently 4 spots out of 10 left. I’ll post link in comments. August 21, 2020 retreat is sold out!!

Flexology, Strength & Fitness Club 02.11.2020

Ugly things can have beautiful outcomes Death, sickness, having our lives turned upside down, wearing face masks in public No one saw this global pandemic changing normal as we knew it.... None of those things are positive, and the havoc this virus has imposed on so many is purely devastating. But there is another side to this. A beautiful side. One of the incredible things that has come out of the virus for many people is that they’ve begun desiring something different. They’ve started to rethink how they’re living, how they’re doing business, and how they’re showing up in the world. And they’ve realized that much more is available to them More love & connection, more opportunities to contribute & give back, more opportunities to earn money, and so much more We can’t always choose the things that happen to us, but we can choose how we think about and react to everything. So, my friend, have you started thinking about what else is possible for you as a result of these crazy times? I’d love it if you’d share. Stef

Flexology, Strength & Fitness Club 29.10.2020

We did windmills tonight in our virtual class. They are an awesome exercise when done correctly! What exercise is your go to for stretching and strengthening combo? Comment below or post a pic.

Flexology, Strength & Fitness Club 19.10.2020

What I want you to know right now... Unprecedented times call on us to step up like never before. A few weeks ago, life was normal and now it’s anything but...... But the beauty in all of this is that we get to grow through the process. We must learn to navigate new paths and how to think differently. Is it disruptive? Yes. Inconvenient? Yes. But look for those opportunities to grow. The reason I am writing this to you today is because I simply want to remind you that this is all temporary. That you are amazingly strong. That you are cared for, and whatever you’re feeling right now is ok to feel. That you will get through this. Choose the outcome you want to experience 6 months from now TODAY. Use this time to step into your healthiest, most fit self. To learn new skills, practice great habits, and to manage your mindset and thoughts through difficult times. To build stronger connections with the people in your life, even if you can’t physically be in front of them. We have open space to create more good in our lives and the lives of those we care for more than ever. Focus on what you can control and choose the thoughts that serve you, even when it feels hard to do. Because it’s not all bad. There’s opportunity in everything if you seek it. Through all of this, I want you to know I’m sending you so much grace, compassion, and light. We’re in this together as a global community. If you need anything at all from help online with your health and fitness or just an ear, I’m here. We’ve got this. Stefanie Crockett

Flexology, Strength & Fitness Club 08.10.2020

Virtual Workout. You can join us.

Flexology, Strength & Fitness Club 23.09.2020

Homemade salad dressing.

Flexology, Strength & Fitness Club 21.09.2020

Vitamins for the family. These are the ONLY supplements we have in our house. The best I’ve found. I take more because I’ve had cancer and I need extra support beyond my normal whole food diet. ... Got to stay healthy!! Love, Stefanie Crockett

Flexology, Strength & Fitness Club 07.09.2020

High-low windmill does a lot for the body. #1 increases upper body strength #2 utilizes the core in a very real way #3 stretches the lower body ... #4 increases heart rate If you have any questions, just post below. If you want to join my virtual workouts, just message me! Stefanie Crockett

Flexology, Strength & Fitness Club 22.08.2020

The flipside of Coronavirus We’re living in uncertain times, no doubt. And given that CERTAINTY is the #1 need all humans have, it’s no wonder things have gone off the rails so quickly... People need to know they’re going to be ok. And that certainty whether it’s with their health, finances, or even a semblance of normal life has been ripped away in a matter of days and weeks. The 24/7/365 news hype hasn’t helped either. No matter what your feelings on the situation are, a pandemic is out of everyone’s personal control. But what’s NEVER out of your control is how you are choosing to think and act in this time. Even in the most scary, uncertain times, there’s always a flip side. There’s always opportunity. I believe that those who focus on the opportunity will emerge THRIVING with an even better quality of life. You can use challenge as a gift or become victim to it. I encourage you to focus on the former. Here are a few phenomenal areas to improve your life in this strange time: 1. Improve relationships. If you’re staying at home, bond with your family and friends. Whether in person or over Facetime. We get so busy in our lives that we neglect those closest to us so often. This is an opportunity to reconnect in a powerful way. 2. Get super fit and healthy. If you always felt pressed for time before, you may find yourself with extra time now especially if you are isolating. Cook delicious, healthy meals at home. Learn or create new recipes. Discover new things you enjoy. Workout DAILY in your home (even if you have no equipment!) I offer live virtual workouts every Monday and Wednesday. It’s a great group of men and woman. Comment below to get more info on how to join. Your health MUST be your top priority in times like these. 3. Grow yourself. Read more. Listen to podcasts. Journal and uncover what you want out of life. Again all of those things you never made time for are perfect for right now. Hate that job you’re away from anyway? Craft your business plan. Use this time to DECIDE who you want to become. Remember this Your thoughts control your emotions. Your emotions control your actions. Your actions today control your future outcomes. Know where you want to be when this blows over, as it inevitably will. Align your thoughts with that now so you can create it. If you allow your thoughts to become consumed by negativity, that is the result you’ll have weeks, months, or years down the road. How we react to all of this is largely a choice, for better or for worse. What opportunity do you see for yourself through all of this? Please comment and share! Together, we will get through this. I’m planning to come out stronger in every way. Will you join me? Stef

Flexology, Strength & Fitness Club 08.08.2020

Whether you think of candlelight dinner and chocolates or you think of Valentine’s Day with disdain, there’s no doubt that it’s all about LOVE. But do you celebrate the perfect Valentine? The one who you should be loving each and every day?... You might have guessed but that every day Valentine is YOU. It’s so easy to love other people family, children, friends But that self-love that is oh-so-popular to talk about on blogs and on Instagram is such a foreign concept to way too many people. We put ourselves last & on the backburner. We say the unkindest words to ourselves in our heads words we’d never speak to another human. We sacrifice day after day because it’s selfish if we don’t. On this Valentine’s Day, I want you to do something different. I want you to celebrate YOU. Whether it’s buying yourself a rose, going for a glass of wine solo, taking quiet time to read that you usually give up for family, or maybe it’s even standing in front of the mirror and speaking aloud kind, loving words to yourself about yourself. Because the thing is, when we love ourselves more we’re happier and everyone around us benefits from that happiness. We are better spouses and parents, we perform better at work, we sleep better Literally everything changes when you create more happiness via self-love and appreciation. I would be SO HAPPY if you’d comment and tell me what you’re going to do to show yourself some love this Valentine’s Day so I can celebrate that with you. <3

Flexology, Strength & Fitness Club 28.07.2020

It doesn’t matter where your starting point is...what matters is that you do START. If you could lose 10lbs a month.. how many months would it take you to reach your goal?! Drop a number in the comments ... If you know me, you know I don’t focus on the scale. I wholeheartedly believe if women focused on fueling their bodies with Whole Foods, becoming educated in what their specific body needs and planning ahead to accomplish that... The excess weight would come off as a by product! Let me break it down into what you need: A plan fully customized to your body - maximize your metabolism so it’s working for you not against you Recipes and foods that actually taste good - you and your family enjoy them Mindset shifts to break through old habits and create new ones - not a quick fix ACTION! - no one can do it for you The amazing thing is, when all of that is in place you actually feel great in the process of reaching your goals! P.S. I’ll be sending a free example meal plan to each person who comments a number of their month(s)! I’m here to help! Whether you have 5lbs to lose or 50+ Let’s make 2020 the last year you need to lose weight! It’s time to find a routine you can sustain and ENJOY!

Flexology, Strength & Fitness Club 26.07.2020

RESOLUTIONS ARE OVERRATED I absolutely LOVE the concept of goal setting. In fact, I think it’s absolutely critical for long-term success. The problem arises when we align the goal to a specific time of year that both prevents us from taking action NOW and gives us permission to abandon the goal once that time of year passes.... Let me explain If you have a goal to get yourself healthier, there’s no better time to take action than in that very moment of decision. Putting it off to start on a certain date can be a recipe for either failing to start or failing to stick with it. Because when you’re serious about something, you take action NOW. Also, having that time-oriented mindset can mean that if too much time passes (like it gets to the end of January before you take action on a resolution), it’s very common for people to just call it all a wash. Have you ever experienced either of these scenarios? Most of my clients have. The best thing you can do is take IMMEDIATE action when you’re committing to making a change. So, while I’m fully in support of setting goals, statistics show that resolutions are overrated. Given that less than 10% of people stick to their resolution long enough to hit their goals, I want to encourage you to start thinking about this new lifestyle you want to create and choose that new lifestyle in each moment and in every action. This is, of course, easier said than done Which is why I've put together this virtual training to help you overcome challenges and obstacles that are stopping you from getting the body and health you so desire. These are the exact steps I took to heal myself from stage 3 cancer and these are the steps I teach my clients to take that give them the results they want every time! As a bonus for registering for this virtual training by 1pm this Thursday (January 23), I will send you my kitchen list of cancer fighting, disease fighting foods. Let’s do this! Stefanie