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Crown of Glory Christian Redeeming Church 16.11.2020

PLEASE ALLOW ME TO APOLOGIZE FOR THE GRAPHIC DEPICTION OF YESTERDAY’S POSTING! Nu 35:33 So ye shall not pollute the land wherein ye are: for blood it defileth the land: and the land cannot be cleansed of the blood that is shed therein, but by the blood of him that shed it. *************************************************** Yesterday I posted on the history of America’s atrocities against people of color and maybe it was too graphic for some to stomach; I do apologize. I... centered my posting on the above scripture which reveals that God is not pleased with the shedding of blood for it defiles the land, meaning the nation. I am a Minister of the Gospel and I just illustrated what the Word of God confirms regarding these activities. God calls us to live in UNITY, HARMONY AND LOVE FOR ONE ANOTHER, but it seems we, as humans, stray from that request. I pray that we, a people created by THE MOST HIGH, can put aside our differences and walk in the LIGHT as HE is in the LIGHT! May God bless and keep us all. See more

Crown of Glory Christian Redeeming Church 06.11.2020

THE HISTORY OF AMERICA IS STAINED IN BLOOD, GOD DEMANDS DEATH TO NATIONAL MURDERER(S)!!! Nu 35:33 So ye shall not pollute the land wherein ye are: for blood it defileth the land: and the land cannot be cleansed of the blood that is shed therein, but by the blood of him that shed it. *************************************************** THE HISTORY OF AMERICA IS STAINED IN BLOOD and it seems white Americans are still bloodthirsty!!! Listen to them call for blood in 2020 afte...r all the past atrocities of MURDERING THE INNOCENT!!! White supremist, nazi's, republicans, racist, nationalist, conservatist, evangelicals, discriminators, haters, are all uniting to engage in the shedding of unsubstantiated blood!!! It seems to be a repeat of HITLER’S GERMANY, the right, fascism, authoritarianism, racial cleansing, government overthrow!!! Such an endeavor will result in THE DEATH OF MILLIONS OF WHITES, for people of color are not naïve regarding their history or current mentality! I am amazed that white Americans can ignorantly claim America for themselves; are they NATIVE AMERICANS??? Are they not the children of immigrants who STOLE THE LAND AND GAINED THEIR WEALTH off the backs of BLACK SLAVES, who develop the land handing them billions in revenue in COTTON AND TOBBACO??? White Americans have a DARK AND TRANSPARENT HISTORY! The murderous history and mentality of white America has polluted the land and has exposed America to THE JUDGMENTS OF GOD!!! GOD DEMANDS the death of the murderer! All those who protect murderers become partakers in their guilt and expose themselves to share in their punishment!!! See more

Crown of Glory Christian Redeeming Church 01.11.2020

IF AMERICA REPENTS, LORD GOD, WILL YOU GIVE HER ANOTHER CHANCE??? Luke 13:3 I tell you, Nay: but, except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish. *************************************************** I PRAY TODAY for this nation because I see ‘THE JUDGMENT OF GOD COMING UPON THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA! Many rational leaders in America are feeling and voicing America’s imminent end to an unhearing people if THE LAST TRUMP is re-elected 4 more years!!! America's wicked...ness, deceit, and atrocities have reached "The Throne of God" and unless she, as a nation repents, she shall fall!!! Yes, this is America’s LAST CHANCE TO REPENT!!! The souls of the innocent cry out to God: the souls of aborted babies, drug overdose victims, those lynched and mutilated, those imprisoned like animals, the offspring of families destroyed because of her murders, those whose ancestors were exterminated and they placed on reservations as their lands were stolen, those whose natural resources have been deceitfully procured to satisfy the USA lust for materialism, not to mention the advancement of hatred, discriminations and racism against people of color!!! I WARN, THIS IS AMERICA’S LAST OPPORTUNITY, WILL SHE REPENT??? My prayer to God today as the ballot is about to be cast: IF AMERICA MOVES TO REPENT LORD GOD, WILL YOU GIVE HER ANOTHER CHANCE??? See more

Crown of Glory Christian Redeeming Church 29.10.2020

TRUMP & REPUBLICANS ARE NOW BEING INFLICTED WITH CORONAVIRUS; GOD HAS A SENSE OF HUMOR!!!!!!!!!! ************************************************************** ISN’T IT IRONIC: THAT THE VERY PEOPLE WHO: mock the virus, refuse to wear facial mask; refuse to social distance; refuse to help those who had contracted the virus; refuse to extend a stimulus package to the needy but allow them to be evicted and foreclosed upon; refuse to help small businesses; who seek to eliminate t...he healthcare of millions; who seek to change the laws of the land to gratify their lust for wealth; who seek to unlawfully work TO DISMANTLE A LAWFUL ELECTION BY CHEATING TO STEAL THE ELECTION BY ATTACKING THE RIGHTS FOR AN INDIVIDUAL TO VOTE; who refuse to leave office if they do not win!!! ISN’T IT IRONIC THAT TRUMP & REPUBLICANS ARE NOW BEING INFLICTED WITH CORONAVIRUS??? I wonder how they would feel if they DID NOT HAVE HEALTHCARE???" Why do they wish to take healthcare from millions??? They welcome to hear that people care about their plight, yet they have allowed 200,000+ American souls to die! AS THEY ARE EXPERIENCING THE VIRUS THEMSELVES, I SEE THEY DESIRE, AT ALL COST TO LIVE!!! GOD HAS A SENSE OF HUMOR!!!!!!!!!! See more

Crown of Glory Christian Redeeming Church 11.10.2020

WHITE SUPREMIST ARE NAZIS', A TERRORIST MOVEMENT SIMILAR TO HITLER’S GERMANY!!! WHY ISN’T THE US MILITARY WARRING AGAINST THEM??? Mt 24:7 For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places. ************************************************* In past postings I, The Endtime Watchman, identified Donald Trump’s administration as a Fascist Movement that was designed to tear down the U...S democracy and install Fascism! I described how the Republican Party and others as his minions, helping him dismantle the US Democracy while the American people, at large, are submissively watching! Could President Barrack Obama have gotten away with the things Donald Trump has done??? Now we are seeing white supremist regiments, TERRORIST OPERATING ON AMERICAN SOIL!!! Why isn’t the US government declaring war against them??? How are they allowed to patrol American streets unhindered, carrying assault weapons??? If people of color patrolled the streets carrying assault weapons they would be jailed or killed!!! This generation of African-Americans are not like their ancestors; they are aware, prepared and equipped to protect themselves!!! A dark cloud is forming over America that will result in GLOOM AND SORROW!!! Compare the events that occurred in Germany that led to World War 2 with what is happening today in America, it is remarkably similar!!! We are in: THE END OF TIME, JESUS IS SOON TO RETURN AND JUDGE THE WICKED!!! WHITE SUPREMIST ARE NAZIS', A TERRORIST MOVEMENT SIMILAR TO HITLER’S GERMANY!!! See more

Crown of Glory Christian Redeeming Church 29.09.2020

PART IV: THERE IS A GREAT POSSIBILITY THAT DONALD J. TRUMP IS THE ANTI-CHRIST!!! Daniel 11:36-37 And the king (The Anti-Christ) shall do according to his will; and he shall exalt himself, and magnify himself above every god, and shall speak marvelous things against the God of gods, and shall prosper till the indignation be accomplished: for that that is determined shall be done. Neither shall he regard the God of his fathers, nor the desire of women, nor regard any god...: for he shall magnify himself above all. *********************************************T********** There has never been in the history of the world a persona like Donald J. Trump! I, the Endtime Watchman blow the trumpet warning all, the Kingdom of God is at hand! WE ARE IN THE END OF TIME AND PROPHECY IS BEING ABUNDANTLY FULFILLED BEFORE OUR EYES!!! In continuing from yesterday, The Anti-Christ shall defy all laws seeking to change the times and seasons, meaning he shall revert from the norm and disregard governmental order! He shall suffer a mortal wound (Note: I think the mortal wound Trump suffered is impeachment where he could have been removed and stopped, but his minions revised him and gave him life)! The Bible says once recovered; the Anti-Christ will be possessed by Satan himself!!! He shall proceed to conquer in the name of Allah and by the sword of Islam. Yet, the day will come that he shall declare himself as a god, or Allah incarnate. He shall set himself above the Most-High God. He will become the hated branch, the false god of an apostate church, an apostate world, serving an apostate religion. In my opinion, Donald J. Trump, THE LAST TRUMP, has all these characteristics!!! THERE IS A GREAT POSSIBILITY THAT DONALD J. TRUMP IS THE ANTI-CHRIST!!! See more

Crown of Glory Christian Redeeming Church 21.09.2020

PART III: THERE IS A GREAT POSSIBILITY THAT DONALD J. TRUMP IS THE ANTI-CHRIST!!! Jeremiah 5:28-29 They are waxen fat, they shine: yea, they overpass the deeds of the wicked: they judge not the cause, the cause of the fatherless, yet they prosper; and the right of the needy do they not judge. Shall I not visit for these things? Saith the LORD: shall not my soul be avenged on such a nation as this? ************************************************ There has never be...en in the history of the world a persona like Donald J. Trump! I, the Endtime Watchman blow the trumpet warning those in the true Christian Church, Jesus shall soon return! WE ARE IN THE END OF TIME AND PROPHECY IS BEING ABUNDANTLY FULFILLED BEFORE OUR EYES!!! In continuing from yesterday, The Anti-Christ shall manipulate with devious designs behind the scenes as he secretly moves the world into World War III. His power shall be bestowed upon him by the leaders of the Islamic world at the hands of Radical Muslims at the hands of the smallest collection of supporters. He will abandon the God of his homeland the God of his given heritage. He shall raise himself above all the gods of this world. He shall raise himself above the God of gods and sit upon a throne in the Temple. He shall honor a new god a god that did not exist in the times of the Bible. It shall be a god of war and violence. It shall be a god foreign to Israel at the writing of the Bible. It is a god with little regard for women. It is Allah (Islam). See more

Crown of Glory Christian Redeeming Church 10.09.2020

PART II: THERE IS A GREAT POSSIBILITY THAT DONALD J. TRUMP IS THE ANTI-CHRIST!!! Daniel 12:24 He shall enter peaceably even upon the fattest places of the province; and he shall do that which his fathers have not done, nor his fathers' fathers; he shall scatter among them the prey, and spoil, and riches: yea, and he shall forecast his devices against the strong holds, even for a time.. ******************************************************* There has never been in the... history of the world a persona like Donald J. Trump! I am the Endtime Watchman and I blow the trumpet warning those in the true Christian Church, open your eyes!!! WE ARE IN THE END OF TIME AND PROPHECY IS BEING ABUNDANTLY FULFILLED BEFORE OUR EYES!!! In continuing from yesterday, The Anti-Christ will be a contemptible man, meaning distasteful, disgraceful, vile, despicable! He will possess a shrewdness (devious, deceitful) that is second to none. His heart shall know no bounds to its desires. He shall engage in every activity that his mind conjures. He shall destroy many and violate laws and all authorities. His presidency and intellect shall be reminiscent of Adolph Hitler in the early years of his rise to power and his initial conquest of Europe and his enemies. The Anti-Christ shall escalate violence, chaos and uprisings that will brings about a takeover of the existing republic. He shall be a leader comprehending mysteries that allow him to take bold action to eliminate problems that stand before his rise and allow him to conquer. His war of conquest shall begin without warning as he shall manipulate and construct the systems required to bring him to complete rule! TO CONTINUE WITH PART III TOMORROW!!!!!!! See more

Crown of Glory Christian Redeeming Church 27.08.2020

PART I: THERE IS A GREAT POSSIBILITY THAT DONALD J. TRUMP IS THE ANTI-CHRIST!!! Daniel 11:36-37 And the king (The Anti-Christ) shall do according to his will; and he shall exalt himself, and magnify himself above every god, and shall speak marvelous things against the God of gods, and shall prosper till the indignation be accomplished: for that that is determined shall be done. Neither shall he regard the God of his fathers, nor the desire of women, nor regard any god:... for he shall magnify himself above all. ******************************************************* There has never been in the history of the world a persona like Donald J. Trump! I am the Endtime Watchman and I blow the trumpet: WE ARE IN THE END OF TIME AND PROPH-ECY IS BEING ABUNDANTLY FULFILLED BEFORE OUR EYES!!! The lost and the wicked are astonishingly captivated by him and have been blinded in their hypocrisy! I have been a Minister of the Gospel of Christ for 45 years and I have never seen an individual who meet the characteristics of the Anti-Christ more than Donald J. Trump!!! In the coming series of post, I will talk about the characteristics the Bible says identifies THE ANTI-CHRIST!!! The Anti-Christ will be a habitual liar and his initial rise to power is built upon lies! He shall flatter and conjure (trick) his way into the power he seeks. He will not be of royal birth nor hold a political station in the lands he seeks to rule, yet he will be acceptable in the lands that fall to him, the lands of Islam. He will, however, already hold a station upon the world’s stage that opens the door to his secret designs (his wealth and alliances with the rich). TO CONINUE WITH PART II TOMORROW!!!!!!! See more

Crown of Glory Christian Redeeming Church 08.08.2020

UNSUBSTANTIATED HATRED BASED ON THE COLOR OF ONE’S SKIN IMPLIES THE SPIRIT OF SATAN AT WORK!!! Ps 109:3 They compassed me about also with words of hatred; and fought against me without a cause. ******************************************************* On planet earth numerous Caucasians hate people of color and do not know exactly why!!! What is the cause of extreme race hatred that drives the white race to discriminate, deceitfully destroy, and even kill those whose skins... are black, brown red and yellow??? Hatred and murder is tied to SATAN, who hated GOD, his creator!!! Satan is the father of lies and deceit, so isn’t it amazing that lying and deceit are the primary traits of those who are RACIST!!! But what is the cause??????? Are there hidden past events regarding planet earth regarding how the white race, the minority, gained rulership of the planet??? Or there is something being kept secret by the white race as to who are the legal natives of the planet!!! Another question is: why does Satan hate people of color and why is he using the white race to prosecute them???? The Spirit of God knows and shall dispense judgment of the unrighteous in His time, and I believe that time is near!!! But one thing that cannot be denied is: UNSUBSTANTIATED HATRED BASED ON THE COLOR OF ONE’S SKIN IMPLIES THE SPIRIT OF SATAN AT WORK!!! See more

Crown of Glory Christian Redeeming Church 03.08.2020

SIGNS OF THE END, WE ARE HEARING THE PEACE AND SAFETY MESSAGE IN ISRAEL!!!!!!!!! 1Th 5:3 For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape. *********************************************** There are some supernatural signs escalating under the administration of THE LAST TRUM! Now we are seeing the sign of PEACE AND SAFTETY! The Bible here warns that we they say PEACE AND ...SAFETY, sudden destruction shall come, it is on the way and there shall be no escape! When I say they I mean They the wicked, who are living in careless security (Compare Mt 24:37-39). When they, the wicked shall say PEACE AND SAFETY as Trump is saying with the signing of the peace treaty between Israel and the UAE, sudden destruction or THE END OF THE AGE AND THE RETURN OF THE LORD JESUS CHRIST, is very near! When the thoughtless are persuading themselves that there is no ground for apprehension, then destruction shall come as suddenly as the pangs of childbirth. But true Christians are not in darkness, the darkness of ignorance and sin. True Christians have been enlightened by the reception of the truth. So, what is coming upon planet earth should not be a surprise to you, finding you in an unprepared state, as a thief does. The true Christian has been fully instructed, is a Child of the Light, and knows that he must always be ready. See more

Crown of Glory Christian Redeeming Church 15.07.2020

USA - REPENT OF YOUR EVILS OR FACE THE COMING JUDGMENT OF GOD!!!!!!! Jeremiah 18:7-8 At what instant I shall speak concerning a nation, and concerning a kingdom, to pluck up, and to pull down, and to destroy it; If that nation, against whom I have pronounced, turn from their evil, I will repent of the evil that I thought to do unto them. *************************************************** I am The Endtime Watchman and I blow the trumpet warning the United States of America ...TO REPENT, or the judgment of God shall swiftly come upon you! THE USA IS AT THE CROSSROADS TO CHOSE DARKNESS OR LIGHT!!! I say to the USA, will you continue to murder, practice hatred, discrimination, to shed innocent blood, to lust, worship idols, live and promote perverted lifestyles, for you live in lies and deceit, and these things has caused God’s judgment to fall upon you!!! Unprecedented signs are being manifested warning the USA of coming judgment! When I say unprecedented, I mean: never before seen, extraordinary, unparallel, unusual, unique, strange, exceptional SIGNS AND WONDERS! First 3, then 5, historic hurricanes at the same time along the southern coastlines; the western coast is on fire; wildfires raging in 10 states with the entire western coastline states of California, Oregon and Washington in flames appearing like HELL ITSELF, not to mention the pandemic which has killed 200,000 Americans!!! The coming election will determine the fate of the USA!!! THE LAST TRUMP who is working with Russia (Magog) to literally destroy the USA from the face of the earth, is seeking to complete his mission after the coming election!!! USA - REPENT OF YOUR EVILS OR FACE THE COMING JUDGMENT OF GOD!!!!!!! See more

Crown of Glory Christian Redeeming Church 12.07.2020

PLEASE CONSIDER: WHITE SUPREMACY & WHITE PRIVILEGE IS ROOTED IN EVIL BLINDNESS, FOOLISHNESS, STUPIDITY, AND IGNORANCE!!! 1Jo 2:11 But he that HATETH his brother is in DARKNESS, and walketh in DARKNESS, and knoweth not whither he goeth, because that DARKNESS hath blinded his eyes. ************************************ It is absolute stupidity for white individuals to believe that being white allows them certain supreme rights to Planet Earth, many are willing to shed... innocent blood to enforce such an ideology. All races of humanity were born on the planet, so what could cause some whites to think they have superior rights over other races??? The earth is 4.5 billion years old, not many individuals exceed the age of 100 years old, meaning, what substantiates whites to feel they have supreme rights to the planet??? IT IS SICK, AND PURE STUPIDITY FOR ANYONE TO THINK THIS WAY!!! God created the earth with variations of life, including humanity, so why is it that there are whites who are fearful of people of color, IS SOMETHING BEING HIDDEN?!?! I am so appalled by the DIVISIONS OF RACE HATRED, PROMOTED BY WHITE SUPREMACY, for it is ROOTED IN EVIL!!! Since it is rooted in evil, indicates that SATAN IS BEHIND IT!!! So, I ask, does race hatred have deeper spiritual and historical revelations behind it!!! History reveals Satan’s hatred of the JEWS, but why does he also hate PEOPLE OF COLOR and why are WHITES HIS INSTRUMENTS ON EARTH to prosecute them??? See more