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Church of God Evening Light Website 02.01.2021

David calls up his soul and tunes it to the great heart of God. Keeping in tune with heaven is the secret of holy living. We must catch daily messages from the sky that we might keep in harmony with the mind of God. We must hear the voice of God, we must feel His life playing on the tender cords of our soul, we need to be moved by the impulses of His loving heartbeats to live as holy as we should. Let there be no discordant notes in the music of your soul. You can keep tuned ...in with the sweet harmony of heaven in the very face of strife and sin in the world. Peter slept like a child with the chopping block only a few hours ahead; Paul kept the music of heaven in his heart while fast in the stocks; Daniel kept tuned in with the world of glory at the entrance to the lions’ den; the furnace cast no fear over the life of the three Hebrews; Habakkuk rejoiced in the God of his salvation with empty fields, storehouses and stalls before him; Job kept the proper wave length in his soul amid all his adversities. Beware, oh beware, lest something of earth gets your harps out of tune. Why will mortal man allow the poor, weak things of earth disturb the music of his soul! Help to Holy Living by: Charles E. Orr See more

Church of God Evening Light Website 23.12.2020

The Lord said to his faithful servant, Enter into the joy of thy Lord. By this Jesus means to tell us that if we be faithful servants of God, some day we shall be admitted into higher joys than we ever knew here. The little child that has been taught that Santa will bring it many pretty things on Christmas will think a great deal about these nice things, and can scarcely wait until Christmas comes. Why should we not think much about the joys of heaven? Maybe some of us do n...ot keep that heavenly country enough in our thoughts. The more you contemplate the joys of heaven, the lighter will be the sorrows of earth. The joy that Jesus looked forward unto helped Him to endure the cross. We can bear a great deal today if we have bright anticipations of tomorrow. What if there be a few tears here, there will be none over there, and this thought helps us to bear up a little longer. Thinking of the joys of heaven will let the light through the darkest clouds that can hang over our heads. Earthly pleasures fail to charm us as we think about the pleasures at God’s right hand. Though there is no flour in the bin, nor meat in the larder, we grow happy as we think of heaven. Help to Holy Living by: Charles E. Orr See more

Church of God Evening Light Website 17.12.2020

He that is able to receive it, let him receive it. Matt. 19:12. God requires no one to receive that of which they are not capable. Jesus withheld some truths from His disciples because they were not able to receive them. Some are capable of receiving more than others. God does not require one man to live to the capability of another, but does require each one to live to the fullest of his own capability. Have you done this? Are you doing it? If you had lived to the fullest ...of your capability in the past, it may be that you would be more capable today. Begin now! Lose no more time! Jesus does not condemn all who do not live to the full standard of life. He does condemn all who do not live to the full light they have been given of that standard; you to yours and me to mine. The question is, are you living to your full light? The soul has wonderful capabilities. If we will only live up to our full capabilities, we will be brought into a very close life with God. We greatly fear that many are careless. They are not putting their soul out to its fullest capability. They are not reaching out with all the energy of their being for things that are before. They could be better Christians if they would. Help to Holy Living by: Charles E. Orr See more

Church of God Evening Light Website 15.12.2020

Do not think of Christ being dead to the extent that He had no temptation. He was tempted all through His life as any sanctified person is tempted. He had a human will which He kept in subjection to the Divine will just as Christians have to do. The same power that enabled Him to do this will enable the Christian to do likewise. This is holy living. This is bearing about in our body the dying of the Lord Jesus. One brother inquires, How can a man marry and raise a family a...nd not live to the flesh? Just the same as he can do anything in the flesh and not live to the flesh. Jesus did not refuse to marry because it was sinful or fleshly. It was not His calling. Paul said, Let every man abide in the same calling wherein he is called, and he was talking on this very subject. Marrying belongs to pure humanity as much as eating, drinking, sleeping, etc. though not as necessary to the life of the person, but is to the life of the race. Raising a family was not the sin of Eden. God told Adam and his wife to be fruitful, to multiply and replenish the earth before their transgression. When man and woman marry simply for the gratification of the flesh, they transgress a higher law of their being. They are living on the plane of the flesh. This is true of everything in life. To build a house, or remodel one, to buy home furniture or an automobile to the gratifying of the flesh is sowing to the flesh. There are to be fasts, by mutual consent for the soul’s good in the married life, the same as abstaining from food and drink. (1 Cor. 7:5). Dying with Jesus means the refusing to do anything in life purely for fleshly gratification. This is holy living. This is where many a saint is coming short of the perfect life. They are too careless. Their soul is not stirred up to realization of the great importance of sowing to the Spirit. They absent themselves from the prayer meeting, from the closet, fail to give of their means at the suggestion of the flesh. They are missing the joy of God. Help to Holy Living by: Charles E. Orr See more

Church of God Evening Light Website 01.12.2020

Baptized into His death. Rom. 6:3. Many saints fail to walk in that blessed fellowship and intimate communion that their souls crave. They long to have Christ more real in their life. They yearn for a greater consciousness of His presence. They come short of their soul’s cravings because they are not baptized fully into Christ’s death. They live too much to the flesh. They live too much for earthly things. They have too great an admiration for earthly things, a fine home, f...ine furniture, fine automobile. Look closely into the life of Christ. Not once did He ever manifest an admiration of the fine things of the world. He admired God in nature, but never admired nature of itself. If He admired the works of man, it was not what man had done, but what God had helped him do. In all His sightseeing He never lost sight of God. This is a precious secret in the Christian life. See God everywhere and in everything. Admire God, adore Him, and not the thing He has created. Alas, how many think more, admire more, talk more about, seek more after the thing created than they do the Creator. Jesus saw this world and all the fine things in it under condemnation and ready for the burning, and so will you when baptized into His death. Help to Holy Living by: Charles E. Orr See more

Church of God Evening Light Website 18.11.2020

If we be dead with Him, we shall also live with Him. 2 Tim. 2:11. Not only when we get to heaven, but here on earth. If we do not live with Him here, we shall not live with Him in heaven. You cannot speak idly, impatiently, eat intemperately, willfully and premeditatedly and be a Christian. And to do those things thoughtlessly and carelessly is to become a very weak Christian, and will finally end in the utter loss of spiritual life. Many, many saints are living too careles...sly, thoughtlessly. They may pray the Lord to help that every word they speak may be seasoned with grace, but oh, how careless they are about their words when they come from prayer. They seem to give such little heed to help God answer their prayers. They will chatter along for an hour about earthly things without once thinking of God or whether their words are pleasing unto Him. They will talk about things that ought not to be spoken by those professing to be saints. They seem to enjoy talking about the unholy deeds of others. To live with Jesus is to have but few words, and them well chosen. To live with Christ is to have Him live with us. He is to be in all we do. It is not for us to live but Him to live in us. Christ liveth in me. Help to Holy Living by: Charles E. Orr See more

Church of God Evening Light Website 06.11.2020

God’s CareHe created you. Heart Talks by C.W. Naylor Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you. I Peter 5:7. God cares for us in the sense of having a personal interest in us. We are the work of His hands, and as such He is interested in our pros perity. He watches over the development of our lives; he notes every step of progress. The one who plants a flower, waters it, cares for it and watches the devel opment of each tiny shoot and bud cares more for that ...flower and has a deeper interest in it than has the one who merely stops for a few minutes to ad mire its full-blown beauty and to enjoy its fragrance. To the one it is only one plant out of many, but to the other it has a special meaning and attraction and worth because its bloom and fragrance are the result of his labor, care and patience. It is his plant. So it is with God. He gave us our being; He has nourished and protected us and watched us develop day by day; He is interested in us and desires our lives to bloom and send forth a fragrance of trueness and purity all around. Let us so live that He will not be disappointed in us. He cares for us because He created us for His glory and to fill a place in His eternal kingdom. He created us not merely that we might have an exist ence but for a purpose for Himself. He wants us to make a success of our lives not simply for our own advantage but to fill the place for which He created us for His purpose and glory. And because of this He will use every endeavor to help us succeed in our lives. Download free for personal use: PDF: https://www.churchofgodeveninglight.com//u/Heart-Talks.pdf e-book: https://www.churchofgodeveninglight.com///Heart-Talks.mobi

Church of God Evening Light Website 24.10.2020

The Tongue, Hands and Feet of the Gospel Heart Talks by C.W. Naylor Again, if a tongue be lent it and its message be spoken and repeated again and again, what can it do if it is not believed? It is the power of God in this world only to them that believe. If we will not be lieve it, it can do us no good. It cannot save or comfort or heal unless it is believed. Will you give it a believing heart? Unless you do, it is absolutely powerless to help you. Oh, how helpless is a...n unbelieved Bible! And though it have a voice and speak ever so clearly, what can it do if the ears be closed against it? If having ears, we hear not but close our minds and hearts against its voice, it will profit us nothing. It can help not the least. Oh, give it a listening ear and heart! The Bible has no hands. It cannot reach out to the needy nor go about doing good. It cannot clothe the naked nor feed the hungry. Why not give your hands to the gospel’s use that it may be no longer helpless? It has no feet. It cannot go from place to place but must remain supine wherever it is put. It is a poor shut-in. Who will pity its helplessness and give it feet that it may go to the nations? Download free for personal use: PDF: https://www.churchofgodeveninglight.com//u/Heart-Talks.pdf e-book: https://www.churchofgodeveninglight.com///Heart-Talks.mobi See more

Church of God Evening Light Website 10.10.2020

THE HELPLESSNESS OF THE GOSPEL Heart Talks by C.W. Naylor Much has been said about the power of the gospel. It is the power of God unto salvation. By it, millions have been redeemed, cheered, comforted and inspired. Others have been warned in tones of thunder to awakened consciences. It has been the greatest civilizer known. But however great its power and influence, however wonderful its accomplishments, there are conditions under which it is pitifully help less, under... which it can do nothing to help the perishing masses. You may take your Bible into a heathen land or to a race of another language, and though all its truth, its promises and warnings, its light and glory are within its lids, yet it is dumb. It speaks not to them. They perish all around it. They remain in darkness when light is there; heavenly, glorious light. Not a ray reaches them. It is helpless. It is voiceless; it speaks not to them its story of love. In your own home it may lie closed and silent. Visitors come and go, but it helps them not. Your children hear not its voice. Your neighbors receive not its counsel, warnings or promises. How helpless it is! Oh, the many dumb Bibles in our land! If they only had tongues, what messages they would speak to the people! You have a tongue. Do you not often use it in a way that is of little profit either to you or to others? The Bible has no tongue to use. Will you lend it yours? Will you let it speak its message with your tongue? Must your neighbors be lost because your Bible has no voice? Oh brother, sister, let your Bible be no longer dumb. Give it a tongue. There are hearts all around you need ing its truth. Will you speak for it? A silent and voiceless Biblewhat can be more helpless? Download free for personal use: PDF: https://www.churchofgodeveninglight.com//u/Heart-Talks.pdf e-book: https://www.churchofgodeveninglight.com///Heart-Talks.mobi See more

Church of God Evening Light Website 05.10.2020

Let the Chisel do its work Heart Talks by C.W. Naylor Would you have patience? You must have many things to try your patience. Would you have meekness? You can obtain it only through endurance. Would you have faith? You must meet and overcome many obstacles. God puts in us latent qualities of good, but these can be brought to view in the solid structure of Christian character only by long and con tinued chiseling. Beloved, think it not strange con cerning the fiery trial ...which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened unto you. I Peter 4:12. Which is to try youdid you ever notice that? It does not say which may try you or which probably will try you; it says, Which is to try you. That signifies that it was intended to try you. It was meant for that purpose; it does not come by accident. Trials are necessary. If you are ever to be what God wants you to be, you need trials; you must have them. You can never be strong or patient or meek or brave or possess any other virtue God wants you to have un less you stand the test. Many shall be purified, made white, and tried. God will do the purifying and He will also see that we get our trying. After that ye have suffered a while, Peter says, God will make you perfect, establish, strengthen, settle you. Would you have patience? You must have many things to try your patience. Would you have meekness? You can obtain it only through endurance. Would you have faith? You must meet and overcome many obstacles. God puts in us latent qualities of good, but these can be brought to view in the solid structure of Christian character only by long and continued chiseling. Beloved, think it not strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened unto you. I Peter 4:12. Which is to try youdid you ever notice that? It does not say which may try you or which probably will try you; it says, Which is to try you. That signifies that it was intended to try you. It was meant for that purpose; it does not come by accident. Trials are necessary. If you are ever to be what God wants you to be, you need trials; you must have them. You can never be strong or patient or meek or brave or possess any other virtue God wants you to have un less you stand the test. Many shall be purified, made white, and tried. God will do the purifying and He will also see that we get our trying. After that, ye have suffered a while, Peter says, God will make you perfect, establish, strengthen, settle you. Download free for personal use: PDF: https://www.churchofgodeveninglight.com//u/Heart-Talks.pdf e-book: https://www.churchofgodeveninglight.com///Heart-Talks.mobi

Church of God Evening Light Website 20.09.2020

THE SCULPTOR’S WORK Heart Talks by C.W. Naylor The great Sculptor sees in every human being, no matter how rough and irregular, great possibilities. Whereas we can see only the exterior, He sees the potential image within, with which He would adorn His glorious building above. Man was created in the image of God, but that image is now obscured by sin and its results. And so the Divine Sculptor must do with us as the sculptor did with the stone. He must bring to bear upon us ...the sharp chisel of circumstances, of disappointment and of trial. It seems that these things will destroy us. It seems that these things are evil and we shrink from them. Some think that God is not just toward them. Some cry out in pain. Some mourn and lament. Some cry to God to stay His hand. And many, oh, how many rebel! They cannot see what it means. They feel that it is all wrong. Sometimes they murmur against God, and their hearts grow bitter, but all the time the Master Sculptor, with His sharp chisel of pain, is only trying to carve in their natures and characters His own image. You want to be in His image, do you not? You desire the beautiful lines of righteousness, purity, truth, meekness, faithfulness and kindness to appear in you. You want to be a part of the adornment of the heavenly temple. If you would be not a mere block of stone, without form or beauty but the image of the Creator, you must let pain do her work in you; there is only one way. Christian character comes only through pain. If you shrink and murmur, or if you rebel, that image may be marred forever. Think not that God will let your life be ruined. He wants you for the adornment of His palace. So when pain comesthe pain of sorrow, of bereavement, of temporal loss, of being reproached and having your name cast out as evil, of being wounded by the tongue of slanderin whatever form pain comes to you, hold still, bear it patiently; it will work out in your life God’s great design. Download free for personal use: PDF: https://www.churchofgodeveninglight.com//u/Heart-Talks.pdf e-book: https://www.churchofgodeveninglight.com///Heart-Talks.mobi

Church of God Evening Light Website 16.09.2020

BE BRAVE Heart Talks by C.W. Naylor Be brave. Only the brave are strong. The coward is a weakling; if he has strength, he dares not use it. We must be brave for life is a battle. The forces of good and evil are in deadly combat. You cannot avoid having a part in the conflict. You must fight whether you will to do so or not. There will be obstacles to meet no matter where your path may lie. You must overcome them, or they in turn will overcome you. Do not dream of a time in ...this life when all your obstacles will be overcome. There is no day so bright, but the darkness follows. There is no ship that sails the sea but must meet the storms. No tree sinks its roots so deeply into the soil, but its strength is tested by the gale. Upon you will blow the piercing winds of adverse circumstances. Things will come that you cannot foresee. Do not shrink before them when they appear. Lift up your head, throw back your shoulders, look them squarely in the face, and with courage born of faith, meet them in the strength God will give you. Sometimes it may seem that to endure is impossible. Your strength may fail, but when you have come to the end of yourself God will add strength, and that added strength will mean victory. Be brave. It is only when you bravely face the foe that you can know the measure of your strength. There can be no defeat to him who will not be defeated. Circumstances may prevail against you for a time, but if you fight manfully on, the seeming defeat will end in victory. Napoleon once fought a battle and lost. His troops were driven back. One of his marshals, who with his troops had not arrived in time for the conflict, came up during the retreat. Napoleon said to him, We have lost the battle. It seems so, sire, was the reply, but there is still time to fight another. Encouraged by the words of his marshal, Napoleon rallied his troops, attacked the enemy and won a great victory. If defeated, never count that defeat final. Attack the foe again, and keep at it till you win. Bravery is a quality of mind and soul. You may be weak in body, you may be timid and shrinking, but if you will, your soul may rise above all this and wax strong in God. Courage is the basis of your strength. It will bring strength from God. But should He give you ever so much strength, only through courage can you make use of it. Download free for personal use: PDF: https://www.churchofgodeveninglight.com//u/Heart-Talks.pdf e-book: https://www.churchofgodeveninglight.com///Heart-Talks.mobi See more

Church of God Evening Light Website 08.09.2020

Barrier of Uncertainty and Indecision Heart Talks by C.W. Naylor I am not sure is another barrier. It is well to know God’s will definitely, but many times people want to be so very sure that God has no way of making them feel sure. They do not take the assurance that He gives; they want something more. Reason and good judgment tell them to go ahead, but they build up the barrier, I am not sure, and hide from duty behind it. We ought not to decide hastily, or rashly but... we ought to decide and then act upon our decision. One may cultivate the habit of indecision until his usefulness is greatly hindered and he is constantly tortured wondering what he ought to do. It would be better to make a few mistakes than to let indecision hold us back from everything. They will think is still another self-made barrier. The fear of being misunderstood or having remarks made about them is some people’s greatest hindrance. They will think I want to push myself ahead; they will think someone else ought to do it; they will think this, or they will think that, and so fear of what people will say closes the mouth and ties the hands, rendering life fruitless. The thing that ought to concern us is, What will God think if we do not do it? It is to Him we must give account. It is His approval we should seek. If He approves, what others think is a small matter. Are we not willing to be misunderstood for Jesus’ sake? Let us cease to build these barriers before us. Let us throw down what we have built. Let us decide we will not be held back from duty by our fears. Let us go forward in the strength that God will give. Let us trust more in God and be confident that He will not fail us. Have you not read that the man of God was to be throughly furnished unto every good work? If you would pay more heed to getting your furnishings than you do to your fears you might become far more fruitful. Thus you would be more happy here and reap a greater reward hereafter. Download free for personal use: PDF: https://www.churchofgodeveninglight.com//u/Heart-Talks.pdf e-book: https://www.churchofgodeveninglight.com///Heart-Talks.mobi See more

Church of God Evening Light Website 29.08.2020

Barriers of fear and Lack of Knowledge Heart Talks by C.W. Naylor I am afraid is almost as common a barrier as I can’t. How may people shrink from duty saying: I am afraid I will make a mistake. I am afraid I shall not do it right. They let this fear become a great wall before them; they pile fear upon fear, and as they look at them, their fears constantly grow greater. Soon they come to a place where these fears hedge them in till they dare not attempt anything. Do you... remember the man who said, I was afraid, and went and hid his lord’s talent in the earth? Read his story in Matthew 25:24-30. See what his lord said to him and note the result of his conduct. Are you doing the same thing? If so, what will be the result in your case? Fear will tie your hands if you allow it; it will make you a profitless servant. I don’t know how is a third barrier. Have you hidden from duty behind this wall? Is this your answer to God when He tells you to do something? The Bible says that Christ is made unto us wisdom. Again it says, If any man lack wisdom, let him ask of God. If God gives you a task to perform, He will give you the wisdom to do it as He wishes to have it done. Possibly you do not know how, but God knows, and if you try, understanding will be given you. If you seek wisdom from Him, He will not fail to give it. If we always knew how to do things, we should not need God’s help to show us but, as it is, we must often dare to undertake what He wants us to do in His wisdom and in His strength, no matter whether we can see the outcome or not. God wants us to rely on Him and to go ahead in His strength. Download free for personal use: PDF: https://www.churchofgodeveninglight.com//u/Heart-Talks.pdf e-book: https://www.churchofgodeveninglight.com///Heart-Talks.mobi See more

Church of God Evening Light Website 22.08.2020

The Barrier Called: I Can’t Heart Talks by C.W. Naylor One of the greatest of these barriers is I can’t. How many people have built up this wall before themselves! They see work to be done, they see plenty of opportunities for doing effective service, but they distrust their ability. Or sometimes they are not willing to do their duty, and they begin at once to build a barrier of I can’t between themselves and their opportunity. Oh yes, it ought to be done and they woul...d like to do it, but there is that wall in the way. They would gladly do the work if they were over the wall but it is too high, so the work must remain undone. This barrier is very easy to build but hard to surmount. The reason it is hard to surmount is because the person is not willing to try. No one knows what he can do until he tries. I can’t shuts out God’s help completely. It leaves no room for operation of faith; it increases weakness. The more you say, I can’t, the weaker you will feel, and the weaker you feel, the less courage you will have to attempt anything. It is certain that we cannot do anything if we do not try. It is certain that we can succeed in doing whatever God wants us to do. He has said, My grace is sufficient; has He spoken truly? He says, I will help thee; does He mean it? If He does, you will not fail if you do your part. The trouble is you do not give Him a chance to help. When the opportunity comes and the Spirit moves you to act, you draw back behind the wall of I can’t and do nothing. Have you not had many chastisements because of doing thus? Have you not missed many blessings? Has not work gone undone and have not opportunities remained unused? Paul had no place for this barrier in his life. He was a man who did things. He believed that God would help him in all he undertook. I can’t, had no place in his life. He said, I can do all things through Christ, which strengtheneth me. What you need is to quit saying I can’t and begin believing God. Throw down this self-made barrier; quit looking at your weakness; look at God’s strength. Dare to do, dare to act, and you will succeed beyond your expectations. Download free for personal use: PDF: https://www.churchofgodeveninglight.com//u/Heart-Talks.pdf e-book: https://www.churchofgodeveninglight.com///Heart-Talks.mobi See more

Church of God Evening Light Website 17.08.2020

SELF-MADE BARRIERS Heart Talks by C.W. Naylor It seems strange that anyone should build barriers in his own way and lay hindrances in his own path. But that is just what many people are doing. They wish to accomplish something; they desire to do something for the Lord but someway they find themselves always hindered. They look back upon their lives and see that they have done very little. How many times they have desired to be as useful as others! But someway, somehow, they... were not. The greatest hindrances to our success are often found within ourselves. We build up walls between ourselves and usefulness and then lament because we cannot surmount them. We look over the wall and long to be there, while all the time we are placing new stones upon the wall and building it higher and higher. [Some of these barriers are: I cant. I am afraid. I don’t know how. I am not sure. They will think] Let us cease to build these barriers before us. Let us throw down what we have built. Let us decide we will not be held back from duty by our fears. Let us go forward in the strength that God will give. Let us trust more in God and be confident that He will not fail us. Have you not read that the man of God was to be throughly furnished unto every good work? If you would pay more heed to getting your furnishings than you do to your fears you might become far more fruitful. Thus you would be more happy here and reap a greater reward hereafter. Download free for personal use: PDF: https://www.churchofgodeveninglight.com//u/Heart-Talks.pdf e-book: https://www.churchofgodeveninglight.com///Heart-Talks.mobi See more

Church of God Evening Light Website 01.08.2020

Look Unto Jesus Heart Talks by C.W. Naylor The Scripture says: The LORD also will be a refuge for the oppressed, a refuge in times of trouble. And they that know thy name will put their trust in thee: for thou, LORD, hast not forsaken them that seek thee. Psalm 9:9-10. David said: Though an host should encamp against me, my heart shall not fear: For in the time of trouble he shall hide me in his pavilion: in the secret of his tabernacle shall he hide me; he shall set me ...up upon a rock. And now shall mine head be lifted up above mine enemies round about me: Psalm 27:3, 5-6. Oh troubled soul, instead of looking at your troubles, look to Jesus. The more you look at your troubles the worse they will appear, the more you will be troubled, and the less you will see of God and His help. Do you not know that God loves you? Do you not know that He sees the trouble? Do you not know that He knows the best way to meet it and just exactly how much grace you will need? Instead of worrying, try trusting; you will find it works much better. Cultivate the habit of casting your care upon Jesus. Face your troubles boldly. Assert in your soul: The Lord will make a way. The Lord will help me through. Continue repeating it until it becomes real to you, and you will be surprised how simple trust will take you through to victory. Download free for personal use: PDF: https://www.churchofgodeveninglight.com//u/Heart-Talks.pdf e-book: https://www.churchofgodeveninglight.com///Heart-Talks.mobi See more

Church of God Evening Light Website 26.07.2020

The Shadow of Trouble Heart Talks C.W. Naylor A young brother and I once had an experience that well illustrates how trouble works. We were going to meeting one night. There was such a heavy fog that we could see only a few feet ahead of us. Suddenly there loomed before us what appeared to be a great giant. He came striding toward us through the fog with legs twenty feet long and body towering up out of sight. It was an awe-inspiring spectacle and at first sight startled us.... There it was, coming right toward us in a most threatening manner. If we had been frightened and had run away we might have had a great story to tell, but we continued walking on toward it when suddenly we came face to face with one of our neighbors. He was only an ordinary-sized man, and there was nothing terrible about him, but he was carrying a lantern which swung partly behind him and as he walked threw that gigantic shadow forward into the fog. The giant that we saw was not the real man; it was only his shadow. That is just the way trouble comes. The thing we see is not really the approaching trouble in its true size and shape; it is only the shadow of it that we see. Our imagination pictures it as something terrible, and we worry and live in its shadow for days and weeks only to find at last that we have been scared by a shadow and that the real trouble is only a fraction of what we supposed it would be. When Alexander the Great was a youth, his father had a warhorse that no one could ride. The youthful prince made up his mind to conquer the animal. When he tried it, he discovered that the horse was afraid of its shadow, so he turned its head toward the sun and soon had it conquered. Let us learn a lesson from this, and when we become afraid of the shadows of trouble let us turn our faces toward the Sun of Righteousness thus leaving the shadows behind us. Download free for personal use: PDF: https://www.churchofgodeveninglight.com//u/Heart-Talks.pdf e-book: https://www.churchofgodeveninglight.com///Heart-Talks.mobi See more

Church of God Evening Light Website 10.07.2020

THE BIG END OF TROUBLE Heart Talks by C.W. Naylor I once saw in a paper some verses, the first lines of which were something like the following: Trouble has a way of coming Big end first; ... And when seen at its appearing, Looks its very worst. Many people are always seeing trouble. They are troubled on every side. When they talk, it is generally to tell of their trouble. There are others who, though they have troubles, seem able to put them in the background and say but little about them. They talk of victory, of the Lord’s help and of the joys of salvation. We all have our troubles; for man is of few days, and full of trouble, but the greatest troubles any of us have, I think, are the ones that never come. How truly the poet has spoken in the above-quoted lines! Just as he says, Trouble comes big end first and fills us with forebodings. How easy it is to worry over the troubles that loom up in the future. Oh, how shall we meet them! we exclaim. Oh, I do not see what I shall do! and we fear and tremble before them. Nearly all the joy is excluded from some people’s lives by the shadow of coming troubles, but when those troubles come upon us, we someway, somehow, pass through them. Many of them, and sometimes very threatening ones, disappear entirely before we reach them, and the others, when they do come, are usually not nearly so bad as we had thought they were going to be. We always find a way through them. Many times we are surprised at the ease with which we overcome them. One brother, who had been troubled all his life, was finally enabled to see that the Lord always made a way through for him, and in speaking of it he said, Things nearly always turn out better than I think they are going to. Download free for personal use: PDF: https://www.churchofgodeveninglight.com//u/Heart-Talks.pdf e-book: https://www.churchofgodeveninglight.com///Heart-Talks.mobi See more

Church of God Evening Light Website 06.07.2020

Submit yourself to God in Disappointment Heart Talks by C.W. Naylor Another thing to learn is to submit the will and desires to God. When our plans fail we must submit to circumstances, whether we want to or not. If we rebel, that will not change the circumstances, but it will change our feelings. The more we rebel, the more we shall suffer. The way to get rid of the suffering is to get rid of the rebellion. We must submit; therefore, why not do it gracefully? Many times we c...annot change circumstances, no matter how much we dislike them. Resentment will not hurt circumstances, but it will hurt us. We need to learn the lesson of submission without rebellionsubmission to circumstances and to God. The Lord is our Master. It is right for Him to order our lives as He sees best. Sometimes it is He who changes our plans for His own purpose, and when He does this the outcome is always better than the thing of our own choosing. If we rebel, we are rebelling against God, and right there lies the danger. If we are so determined to have our own way that we do not willingly submit to God’s way, He may have to let us suffer. But when we submit and commit our ways to Him, then we shall have the consolation and comfort of His Holy Spirit. If we will just learn to change a single letter in disappointment, and spell it with an h instead of a d, it will help take the sting out. Try it once. This is what we have: His appointment. Now, does not that make it quite different? Download free for personal use: PDF: https://www.churchofgodeveninglight.com//u/Heart-Talks.pdf e-book: https://www.churchofgodeveninglight.com///Heart-Talks.mobi See more