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Locality: New London, Missouri

Phone: +1 573-822-2862

Website: rebeccabranham.com/

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Rebecca Branham- Health & Wellness Coaching 20.01.2021

Do you approach your health with an all or nothing mentality? When my clients first come to me they are deep in this "all or nothing mentality". It may seem like you will never get to a place where you are truly happy in your body.... you may have even second-guessed your ability to be healthy...... ... in desperation to start losing weight you tell yourself you cannot ever eat the chocolate chip cookies again.. no more birthday care... no more icing.... no more carbs... no more anything good. While you're living in this place of desperation it feels like everyone but you has figured out how to do this diet thing. The real results come when you make it all about you ... it's about learning what you need to thrive.... not how much you can take away from yourself. If you are ready to make 2021 your year for natural long term weight loss without dieting or excessive workouts, drop "MORE" below

Rebecca Branham- Health & Wellness Coaching 01.01.2021

Do you find yourself eating when you're not actually hungry? Honoring hunger is about recognizing what hunger actually feels like for YOU and how to tell the difference between other triggers. Feeling hungry doesn't have to leave you feeling frustrated with yourself or like all hope is lost. Hunger can be a reliable guide for you to know when to eat if you're willing to listen to this signal.... Remember, your body is always giving you signals. Your job is to decipher what it's trying to tell you. Blowing off the hunger cues is a recipe for disaster and overeating. Hunger is a natural part of life. It's your body's way of saying it needs more fuel, kind of like the gas tank on your car. It will tell you when you need fuel... and when you don't. If you've struggled with overeating, emotional eating, or yo-yo dieting, it's possible that you've become disconnected from your body. This is normal! The first step is to recognize what hunger feels like for YOU. Think back to a time when you are absolutely sure you were hungry. What physical signs did you experience? Tell me below

Rebecca Branham- Health & Wellness Coaching 20.12.2020

Do you find it difficult to stick to a diet? When my clients first come to me they are deep in this "all or nothing mentality". It may seem like you will never get to a place where you are truly happy in your body.... you may have even second-guessed your ability to be healthy... ... ... in desperation to start losing weight you tell yourself you cannot ever eat the chocolate chip cookies again.. no more birthday care... no more icing.... no more carbs... no more anything good. While you're living in this place of desperation it feels like everyone but you has figured out how to do this diet thing. The real results come when you make it all about you ... it's about learning what you need to thrive.... not how much you can take away from yourself. If you are ready to make 2021 your year for natural long term weight loss without dieting or excessive workouts, drop "MORE" below

Rebecca Branham- Health & Wellness Coaching 16.12.2020

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Work your booty off to lose weight/be healthy they say..... Give up eating most things you enjoy they say....... ....Put that smile on even though you aren't happy they say..... Keep binge eating and restarting.... And again... And again.... And again.... This approach hasn't worked for you the umpteen times you've tried it. Why? Because that approach is about deprivation and what you can't have and using exercise as punishment. When you make lists of good foods and bad foods, you start to identify with those, so then you call yourself good if you eat foods from the good list and bad when you eat from the "bad list." This is exactly why the first thing that we will tackle when you work with me is creating a nourishment menu that will eliminate the procrastination, hesitation, and overwhelm that prevents you from binge eating each weekend. You can learn all the diet things but without the right tools, mindset, and support you will keep reverting to old behaviors. So tell me... are you willing to try a different approach to reclaim your health in 2021?

Rebecca Branham- Health & Wellness Coaching 12.12.2020

OMGOSH!!! I made it to round 3!!!!!! If you dont know what this means - me and my business are that much closer to being launched into my dreams and helping thousands of people. I am so excited, honored, blessed - all the things. This is proof and evidence to go after what they tell you is impossible. For those who never give up and keep moving, our dreams become our reality. Thank you @followmylaunch for this amazing opportunity

Rebecca Branham- Health & Wellness Coaching 07.12.2020

Do you believe that you can enjoy any food you want at any time? It may seem like you don't know what to eat or when but I doubt that's truly the case. Remember those times you waited too long to eat lunch, and so then you’re intending to make a healthy lunch, but while that’s heating up you’re so compulsive that you need to eat three pieces of toast or those cookies in the meantime?... You start making these choices that are super convenient and compulsive, but not necessarily what you wanted. It feels like you're out of control. Part of the challenge in your clear decision making is compulsively eating foods that drain your energy. What is getting you there and what foods are contributing to it. I am here to help you learn what foods are leaving you feeling drained so you can raise your energy levels naturally AND enjoy foods that truly make you happy. I will show you the way to being both happy and healthy. Join me for 12 weeks of personal coaching, where I breakdown the 5 pillars of my proven framework. We start on January 4th! During these 12 weeks together you will learn exactly how to choose foods that nourish you, that gives you the most energy and you don’t even think about the ones that don’t. If you're ready drop your favorite emoji below! (space is limited so act now!)!!

Rebecca Branham- Health & Wellness Coaching 28.11.2020

The reason you’re not getting the results you want is because of one of the following or both: You keep absorbing information and you fail to implement it. When you feel uncomfortable you fall back into familiarity because you know what to expect.... When will you trust that you will show up and deliver for yourself? You don’t have to have all the answers before you speak your truth, you just have to be willing to show up in spite of the fear and the BS illusions. It’s time to start taking action. Quit searching for one more thing to perfect, one more course to take before you’re ready, one more magical bullet before your time comes. Your time is now, act on it. Love you, Becca PS- I have 3 spots left in my 2020 VIP coaching package! When you work with me you get urgent results in an incredibly simple, straightforward way. And, it gets to be fun This is 12 weeks of expert accountability and Loving support Unlimited access to me for when it starts to feel hard and you start doubting yourself between sessions Everything you need in order to succeed on your terms You can read all the books you want about changing your mindset and your habits but it doesn’t get you the result because a book or a self-study program doest NOT have the accountability piece. You don’t go through a real-life experience. The latter = action taking = change = results. The reason you’re not getting the results you want is because you’re not implementing what you’re learning, you don’t have the accountability there to help you when you’re stuck or to kick you in the butt when you need it so you get out of your own way and make sure you’re showing up for yourself like you said you wanted to and someone to lean on when it gets overwhelming because we all know it gets overwhelming and scary. Quit trying to band-aid your way there. Quit overcomplicating it. Message me if you’re ready to change your life - we will schedule your clarity call.

Rebecca Branham- Health & Wellness Coaching 28.11.2020

Fear of change is something completely normal to feel. Especially when you already have no time, overwhelmed, and stress. However, the NEED to focus on your well-being and eat 'healthier" is real, have more energy, feel more confident, and want to stop complaining about it all forever!... So what if we accepted fear as part of the journey and got excited? What if we focused on simple habits that will create flow and motivation? Well, this is when Be Well with Becca steps in to give you that support and all the tools. I have 10 open spots left. If you're ready to make you your priority and sick of complaining about not having the time. Respond with a YES! I will reach out to you and we can get started on our journey together!

Rebecca Branham- Health & Wellness Coaching 26.11.2020

One of my favorite areas of expertise is helping my clients learn why they eat their emotions (aka stress eat or emotional eat) and then we do the work to heal what’s causing them to put themselves on the back burner. This is more common than you think ladies. You are not alone. Contrary to what you've been told, solving this is not about discipline. If emotional eating was cured with discipline you’d have figured it out by now. You’re not stuck because you didn’t try the rig...Continue reading

Rebecca Branham- Health & Wellness Coaching 08.11.2020

My team and I wish you a very Merry Christmas. This year has brought growth both in my business and in the support that my business provides to my clients. We look forward to a 2021 to provide you with even better resources, support and growth of your own! ... Rebecca Branham Danielle Ralston Chrisie Augustina