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Locality: Kansas City, Missouri

Phone: (334) 801-8131

Website: atheismresource.blogspot.com/

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Atheism Resource 09.11.2020

In the news: A woman who runs a Christian based makeup page, (presumably explaining why the thumbnail is an absolute catastrophe) is encouraging people to vote for Jesus. Presumably the same two brain cells that told her "smear your face with red and blue hand prints! That's apex makeup tutorial material!" have also led her to believe that Jesus is running for public office.

Atheism Resource 04.11.2020

What? Christians wanting to control every aspect of womens' lives? I've never heard of THAT before!

Atheism Resource 22.10.2020

Tens of Millions of "Christians" are going to vote for a man that is the antithesis to their religious doctrines. Make their vote not matter. GO VOTE!

Atheism Resource 03.10.2020

You know, considering that he was supposed to be a timeless and all-knowing deity, you'd think that he'd have been speaking in complete sentences the moment his vocal cords were capable of it. You'd think his first words would've been "I am, that I am". You'd think that Mark wouldn't have spent his whole gospel saying "and the people who knew him best thought he had gone mad". You'd think that his childhood would've been so wild that the moment he said "I'm the son of God", h...is family would've said "You know, that actually makes sense..." I get that Luke and Matthew try to fix it a bit by saying "oh yeah, Mary totally knew because God told her... And Jesus did have a weird childhood! See! Here's one instance of him asking a bunch of questions of religious leaders and having them be super impressed with him!" but let's face it, that's not exactly a fleshed out character.

Atheism Resource 13.09.2020

Hey, do you all remember Kim Davis? She's not back in the news or anything, just thought we could all use one more laugh at her expense. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BytJKFn0oXw

Atheism Resource 06.09.2020

Christian supremacy has found its newest champion.

Atheism Resource 22.08.2020

James Randi died today. I still have the signed painting I made of him hanging in my living room... I remember first hearing about James Randi probably 30 or so years ago as I was learning magic from my grandpa. It wasn't until 2008 when I first met him at Skepticon that I got to know him as an outspoken atheist. James wasn't just an atheist, he was an all around skeptic about any and every kind of supernatural bullshit. He spent his life debunking claims from people claimin...g to have certain magic powers and rose to prominence after exposing a few mega church pastors as complete frauds. James Randi had a tv show that people who made such ridiculous claims would come onto, and James would do a series of tests and would debunk and embarrass those people right to their faces, and in front of a live audience. He was fearless and brilliant. He had a $1,000,000 reward reserved for anyone who made a supernatural claim that he couldn't debunk. Up until the day of his death, the reward remained unclaimed. NOBODY ever passed the James Randi bullshit test. This is a MASSIVE loss to not only the atheist/skeptic community, but to humankind as a whole. He was an advocate for honesty and truth, and the world needs so much more of that right now. Given the current state of the world, the loss of James Randi is beyond immeasureable. I'm devastated. All of us are. We knew he wouldn't last forever... but we kinda hoped he would. I could go on and on about James Randi and the influence he's had on my life all night long, but I'm going to stop here for now. I love you guys and gals. *sniffle* Goodnight.

Atheism Resource 12.08.2020

So many Christians absolutely insist on contorting anything they can to make themselves feel oppressed just so they can quote "blessed are ye when men shall hate you" and feel like they must truly be the righteous ones. And I have to admit, I get it. Thinking that no one likes you because everyone else is evil is much more comforting than saying "gee, maybe I'm the problem..."

Atheism Resource 10.08.2020

I get asked by my fellow atheists for recommendations on books to de-convert Christians. I also get asked by Christians to put forth the best atheist arguments. Here is a pretty good list of six books. Check them out and let us know which ones you agree with or disagree with. Also, what are some of your recommendations? Did your favorite atheist book make the list?

Atheism Resource 24.07.2020

TL;DR - Attempts to use "historical context" arguments to insist that the Bible isn't actually anti-gay may work if you read the text from a secular point of view as a collection of ancient law/mythology texts, but they absolutely don't work if you're going to insist that the book is a divinely-inspired text. ***** I personally find the Bible to be a fascinating book. As a mixture of law and mythology, it can tell us a lot about what a given society thought was important enou...Continue reading

Atheism Resource 12.07.2020

Christians: Without God there's no basis for morality! Also Christians:

Atheism Resource 09.07.2020

After some consideration, Atheism Resource has decided to endorse Joe Biden for president. We'll not pretend that he was any of our first choice, or that he's some sort of flawless messiah; however, we've seen what four years of Trump being in office has done to the US. Regardless of what you may think of US immigration policy, any morally decent person among us can agree that putting children in concentration camps is reprehensible. Regardless of what you may think about the... BLM protests, any morally decent person among us can agree that federal agents jumping out of unmarked vehicles and grabbing citizens off the streets is a clear violation of due process, and is reprehensible. Regardless of what you may think about the current state of US electoral politics, any morally decent person among us can agree that repeatedly threatening to disregard the results of the election and declare yourself the winner no matter what, is reprehensible. We have no reason to believe that Trump will magically decide to change course if re-elected, and these behaviors cannot be allowed to continue in a free society. The way the Constitution is set up, it is not possible for any third-party candidate to win the presidency in 2020. The only remaining option is Biden. So - while Biden has many flaws and questionable qualities that will doubtless mar his presidency - we can say in good faith that we do not believe that Biden will continue sending out goons in unmarked vehicles to grab people off the street. While that is an admittedly low bar, it is a bar that we must NOT allow this country to sink below. If people can grab you off the streets with no regard for due process, then frankly you have no civil liberties. If you can be thrown in a van for stepping out of line, you have no freedom. So Biden being the only candidate with a chance of winning who is NOT presently pushing for a society in which people have no freedoms at all, places him in an entirely different league than Trump. Biden will almost certainly never make it onto a list of the all-time great presidents. But we also have no reason to suspect that he'll attempt to establish an authoritarian regime. And frankly, the possibility that Trump will continue his efforts in that direction is far more dangerous than all of Biden's questionable traits or policies combined.

Atheism Resource 25.06.2020

"If Judge Coney Barrett is confirmed, we must be clear about what’s at stake: federal LGBTQ employment discrimination protections, Roe v. Wade, and prohibitions on the direct funding of religious activities by our government will all be at risk."